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Astoria's Strategies

Core Risk Based ETF Portfolios

Astoria’s Dynamic 70/30 Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 70/30 allocation. 
Astoria’s Dynamic 50/50 Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 50/50 allocation. 
Astoria’s Dynamic 30/70 Strategy focuses on long term income and growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 30/70 allocation. 
Astoria’s Dynamic 15/85 Strategy focuses on building reliable income by blending various fixed income instruments along with a modest allocation towards equities and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 15/85 allocation. 

Multi-Asset Risk Strategy

The Multi-Asset Risk Strategy (MARS) ETF Portfolio was the first of Astoria's portfolios. It is risk-managed and positioned based on evolving macroeconomic indicators.   

Astoria’s Multi-Asset Risk Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 50/50 allocation.

Factor US Stock Portfolios

Astoria constructs Factor US Stock Portfolios, each comprised of 40 stocks, quantitatively screened and selected from a starting universe related to the targeted factor.

Astoria's High Growth US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 market-cap-weighted (5% max), sector-optimized stocks with the potential for above-average growth.
Astoria's High Quality US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 market-cap-weighted (5% max), sector-optimized, high quality stocks.
Astoria's Dividend Growers US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 stocks that have consistently increased their dividend for at least 10 consecutive years.

What are we trying to accomplish in our ETF portfolios?

  • Astoria Uses Business Cycle, Earnings/Valuations, and Sentiment & Risk to Dictate our Asset Allocation/Portfolio Positioning. We incorporate a Dynamic Overlay depending on the 3 inputs above.
  • Target OW assets that have earnings that are growing, cheaper than market, poor sentiment, and have a catalyst for upside 
  • Target UW assets that are expensive, earnings are slowing, strong sentiment, that lack a catalyst for upside
  • Diversify our factor exposures 
  • Utilize liquid alternatives to hedge downside risk
Astoria Portfolio Advisors claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). To receive a GIPS report, please contact Nick Cerbone via email: GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

Where Can I Access Astoria's Solutions?

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